Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Cantata Success

The annual Christmas Cantata was a huge success! Over 50 people came to worship with us as the choir and youth performed the program "There's Something About That Name". After the program, everyone joined together in the fellowship hall for refreshments and gift exchange.

(left) Mr. Eldred Knight, Joyce Pryor and Andrea Dillard enjoy a time of fellowship after the cantata.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jesus - There's Something About That Name!

If you have ever pondered the name Jesus and its many meanings, you know that it is a glorious name that represents many things to many people. On Sunday, December 23, at 6:00 p.m., Arlington CP Church will host a candlelight contata entitled Jesus: There's Something About That Name. This musical presentation encorporates a variety of musical selections, arranged by Tony Wood and Russell Mauldin, which feature contemporary songs blended with traditional Christmas hymns. The program will feature the Arlington choir, soloists, duets, youth speakers, and musicians sharing music and recitations - all while surrounded by the brilliant glistening of candles, Christmas decorations, and the radiating sounds of the church's original bell. Following the program, we'll have a time of fellowship with refreshments. All are welcome to come and join with us in our humble efforts to worship and praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! After all, there really is something about That Name!

- Brooke Knight, Cantata Director

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Welcome To Our Blog!

Welcome to the Arlington Cumberland Presbyterian Church blog! We hope that something you see or read will bring you closer in your walk with God. This space will be dedicated to church announcements, happenings, and brief devotional thoughts. We hope that you enjoy visiting our blog and will check back often!

Also, you are always invited to join us for our weekly Sunday services and any other special events that may be scheduled. Our regular weekly services begin with Sunday School (for all ages) at 10:00 am, followed by Worship at 11:00 am. Check back for any special services that may be planned in the near future. We look forward to seeing you!

Bro. Ted

Dec 9 - Why Bethlehem?

Scripture Text: Matthew 2:6

Why Bethlehem? Why not? When we think of Bethlehem, we tend to only think of the Nativity story. Think about it...when was the last time you thought of Bethlehem - or spoke of it - without including the Nativity Story? But if you think about it, Bethlehem was the perfect place for the birth of Christ.

Looking through the Old Testatment, we find the story of Jacob and Rachel, Naomi and Ruth, King David, and the prophecy from Micah, all relating to this tiny little village. Where would you have placed the birthplace of the Messiah? Jerusalem? Rome? Athens? Nazareth? Isn't it just like God to show up at the place you'd least expect?

Where will you "find" the baby this week?

Bro. Ted

Sunday, December 2, 2007

December 2 - "His Name Was John"

Scripture Text: Luke 1:57-66

A baby boy was born to Zechariah so we're told
In unbelief he was stricken for he thought he was too old
Then the day arrived when the baby came
And he looked upon his son
He began to speak as we heard these words:
"It's John! His name was John!"
And he was John - his name was John
He baptized with the water
'Til Jesus came along
When the Holy Ghost from heaven
Descended like a dove
Like the prophecy was given
By John
His name was John!
[From "His Name Was John," written by Ronald Martin & Kyla Rowland.
Copyright (c) Word Music, LLC (ASCAP)]

There were two babies. The first baby was John. The first baby paved the way for the second baby, who was Jesus Christ. Let's not celebrate the second baby without recognizing the first baby!

His name was John!

Bro. Ted.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 25 - "From A Distance"

Scripture Text: Matthew 8:1-13

What does it take to amaze someone? What amazes you?

According to scripture, Jesus was only amazed twice. He was amazed at the Jews' lack of faith, and in this particular scripture, He was amazed at the great faith of an unlikely person - a Roman Gentile centurion.

Have you amazed Jesus lately? If so, in what way - by your great faith, or by your lack of faith?

Bro. Ted

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday, October 28

Scripture Text: Nehemiah 1

Have you ever thought about the qualities of a church? What kind of church do you want to be a part of? What are the characteristics of a "good" church? The first quality of a church that I would want to be a part of is one with diligent prayer. I want to be a part of a praying church. Not just prayer on Sunday mornings, but prayer each day of the week. We should be praying for our neighbors, our families, our communities, our world and ourselves. But especially, we should be praying to continue to communicate and develop our relationship to God. Are you part of a praying church? Do you have a healthy prayer life? Do you pray for and covet the prayers of others? If not, I encourage you to check out the scriptures dealing with prayer in the Bible. If you are in the area, we invite you to join us for service at Arlington CP Church. Our exciting worship service begins at 11:00 am each Sunday morning.

Bro. Ted

Rev. Ted Bane & Family

Rev. Bane is a 2006 graduate of Memphis Theological Seminary. He also holds an M.T. from Middle Tennessee State University, and was a public school teacher for several years. He enjoys science fiction movies, southern gospel music, and traveling. Janice Bane is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University and has worked in the Nashville music industry for over 20 years. She enjoys scrapbooking, playing the piano, travel, and spending time with their two children, Tim and Jessica.

(L to R): Jessica Bane; Janice Bane; Ted Bane; and Tim Jarvis

Saturday, October 27, 2007

What We Believe


We believe in the unity of the Godhead and there are three persons of one substance – God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only head of His church on earth, which consists of those who have received Christ by faith.

We believe that there are no eternal reprobates, or people who are lost regardless of their own will. Christ died not for a part only, but for all mankind, and whosoever believes on Him has eternal life.

We believe all infants dying in infancy, and all persons who have never had the faculty of reason, are regenerated and saved through Christ and the sanctification of the Spirit. We believe that all men, because of the effects of original sin, need regeneration, and the Spirit of God operates on the world in such a manner as to leave all inexcusable.

We believe that good works are not the cause of salvation, but are the results of regeneration. A state of sinless perfection in this life is not authorized by the scriptures. Sanctification does not mean sinless perfection, but does mean a setting apart for a sacred use.

We believe that there are but two sacraments of the Church: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Water Baptism is a symbol of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and a seal of the covenant of Grace; therefore, rightly administered by sprinkling water upon the person. The proper subjects of water baptism are believing adults; also infants, one or both of whose parents or guardians are believers.

The Lord’s Supper is symbolized with bread and wine, which, though figuratively called the body and blood of Christ, nevertheless remain, after consecration, literal bread and wine. All those who have faith to discern the Lord’s body should partake of this holy communion regardless of denominational affiliation.

We believe that marriage is a very sacred institution, and should so be regarded by all people. The marriage relationship should not be dissolved for any cause not justified by the Word of God.

We believe the spirits of men live eternally. The spirits of the righteous are received into heaven, and the spirits of the wicked are cast into hell. The Scriptures speak of no other place for departed spirits. God has appointed a day wherein He will judge all the world in righteousness by Christ. After the judgment, the wicked shall go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.

Members are received on confession of faith, reaffirmation of faith or by letter of transfer.

To all who are weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are idle and look for service; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to whosoever will come – this church welcomes you in the name of Jesus Christ her Lord.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Fifth Sunday Singin' At Mt. View

The Arlington Sanctuary Choir participated in the area's "5th Sunday Singin'," held September 30 at Mt. View Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Dover, Tennessee). The crowd was "Standing Room Only" and a good time was had by all, singing praises to Our Lord!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Gospel Side Of Elvis (New Book)

Reverend Bane's wife, Janice, works for Joe Moscheo, a member of the Imperials, a gospel group who performed with Elvis in his Las Vegas show back in the 70's.

Joe also produced the highly successful documentary "He Touched Me: The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley". He has penned a wonderful book entitled The Gospel Side of Elvis, which takes a look at Elvis' roots and the role of gospel in his foundational years, as well as the comfort, solace, and strength it offered him in the years of his meteoric rise in popularity.

Joe had the privilege of being featured recently in an interview on the nationally syndicated program, The 700 Club, discussing the book and his time working for Elvis.

Published by Center Street Publishers (ISBN: 1599957299). Available at your local bookstore, or order online on and other online retailers. Check with Janice if you would like your copy autographed by the author!