Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Women's Event Overwhelming Success!

Over 65 women from the Houston County area attended Lisa Smartt's presentation at Arlington CP Church! They had an awesome time, worshiping the Lord and enjoying Lisa's humorous and touching testimony. Afterwards, a reception was held in Lisa's honor, featuring Arlington CP's legendary cuisine!

A Book for Imperfect People!

From the author:

"I don’t brush my teeth at night. Sometimes I yell. I can’t reconcile the checkbook. Before company comes, I run through the house putting piles of stuff in garbage bags which will be 'stored' in the guest bathtub until the company leaves. Life. It’s not perfect. Those of us who participate in life aren’t perfect either. Far from it. Sometimes it’s wildly funny. Other times it leads us down paths of difficult discovery. I hope this book is a fun and enjoyable celebration of LIFE with all its ups and downs. Happy Reading! Happy Living!"

Lisa Smartt
Wife, Mom, Woman in Search of Her Keys

To order a copy:
Send $12 ($10 per book plus $2 shipping) to:
Lisa Smartt
300 Parrott Road
Dresden, Tennessee 38225

(This is a compilation of newspaper columns which first appeared in The Union City Daily Messenger and The Weakley Co. Press.) 174 pages

Friday, February 1, 2008

Lisa Smartt Special Presentation

Please join us at Arlington Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Saturday, February 16, to enjoy guest speaker Lisa Smartt, as she brings her special presentation for women, "My Goof-Ups...God's Grace: Confessions Of An Imperfect Woman." The program will begin at 6:00 p.m. CST and refreshments will be served afterwards. The cost is free!
For more information about the event and directions to the church, please contact Joyce Pryor at (931) 289-4804.